Day 216 – The Queen Mum Spoon

My mother-in-law is staying with me, which is awesome, because I’m quite tired of writing about spoons and she said she’d help.

Today’s spoon celebrates the Queen Mum’s 100th birthday, which was on August 4, 2000. I handed the spoon to Margie and told her to feel it, but don’t look at what it was.

She described the spoon thusly: “It’s got a lump in the bowl. How the heck am I supposed to eat with this?”

Day 214 – The Tiny Sea Lion Caves Fork and Spoon

The best summer vacations I can remember were spent at Neskowin on the Oregon coast. My parents and all of their friends would gather every summer (or at least it seemed like every summer) and there would be eating, swimming, sand castle building, mini golf on the beach, whiffle ball tournaments, and birthday celebrations. All the adults drank fancy cocktails and everyone was happy.

At some point on each trip, we would go to the Pixie Kitchen for dinner, Yachats for agate collecting, and Sea Lion Caves to see the sea lions. 

One one of those trips (I’m gonna guess 1978), I picked up this tiny fork and spoon set from the tacky little gift shop at Sea Lion Caves. 

Day 213 – The Colorado Spoon

On August 1, 1876, Colorado became the 38th state in the Union. This Colorado spoon, made by Eugene L. Deacon of Denver, Colorado (who also made the Pocatello, Idaho rebus spoon) was manufactured sometime between 1900 and 1912. 

The bowl of the spoon has an engraving that touts the majestic height of Pike’s Peak (which, at 14,147 feet, is just a little shorter than Mount Rainier in Washington State).

At the very top of the spoon is the State Seal of Colorado, with the unmistakable Eye of Providence peering out at you, which confirms my theory that the Illuminati are in Colorado and I’m pretty sure they’re holding Half Life 3 hostage.