Day 195 – The St-Pierre-Jolys Frog Follies Spoon

You have one day left to celebrate the Frog Follies with the fine folks in St-Pierre-Jolys, Manitoba. This four-day event is part music festival, part agriculture fair, with a dash of frog races mixed in.

This spoon from St-Pierre-Jolys has a small frog with a top hat and a tux at the top, because of course it does!

Day 187 – The Cache Creek Spoon

Located midway between the west coast of British Columbia and the gold fields further north, Cache Creek was the perfect place for miners to load up on supplies during the Gold Rush in the 1890s. 
It was incorporated as a village in 1967 and it’s now it’s a hotbed of geocaching activity, but I can’t find evidence of any hauntings. Not even this nifty souvenir spoon with a tiny miner at the top seems possessed. So disappointing. 

Try harder, ghosts of Cache Creek!

Day 183 – The Green Gables Spoon

I’m continuing to celebrate Canada today with a spoon from Prince Edward Island, which joined the Confederation on July 1, 1873, becoming the 7th Canadian province.

P.E.I. Holds a special place in my heart, since both sides of my great-grandfather’s family (The Campbells and McKenzies) came to the island from Scotland in 1775 and didn’t move stateside until the mid-1800s. 

Fans of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s book “Anne of Green Gables” will notice that the Green Gables farm is shown at the top of the spoon. 

The farm shown on this spoon belonged to John Campbell and Annie MacNeill Campbell, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s aunt and uncle. John was also my great grandfather Alexander Campbell’s half brother, which makes Lucy my 3rd cousin 3x removed. Or something like that. Family trees are confusing!

Anyway, Happy Canada Day to everyone in Park Corner!